Apart from my professional work, I also work on my personal open source projects and also contribute to open source community. Below is the list of some of my open source projects and contributions.

Konflist | Crowd sourced list of tech conferences around the world

Events API - REST API to CRUD Events

Browser Extensions

Created several productive and system utility browser extensions for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Microsoft Edge Browser.

Animouse | Control mouse pointer with your head!

Animouse is a free, open source and non-profit software project which allow user to control computer cursor by the movement of face/head.

JSON Watch Face for Android Wear

JSON Watch face interprets time as JSON code snippet with fields displaying current Time, Date and Day! Also changes watch background color every second using Time as RGB Hex Color Code! Simple Design, Optimized for Ambient Mode, Supports Burn-In Protection in Ambient Mode, Free. Compatible with: Asus ZenWatch, Asus ZenWatch 2, LG G Watch R, Samsung Gear Live, Motorola Moto 360 (2nd Gen), Sony Smartwatch 3.

Eco Screensaver - World's first web based eco-friendly screensaver

I've been fascinated by how a mere color of a pixel in monitors can affect the power consumption! As we all know that LED and OLED monitors are energy efficient i.e each pixel on an OLED screen contains a set of tiny LEDs that emits light in proportion to the current color of that pixel. Meaning, if the color is black, no light is emitted and the pixel is completely off, thus saving some energy here. Inspired by same principle, I have created 'Eco Screensaver', which displays black, dark or white pixeled screen instantly as a screen saver in your browser.


Here are some of my codepens -

Flat Notifications, Neumorphic Color Palette, Neumorphic Round Palette, Neumorphic Bubbles, Color Rand - Random Color Palette Generator, What is my IP Viewer, Colorful Bubbles, Colorful Black Hole, Cursors, Theatre Seat Booking UI, Covid-19 Dashboard, Many more...

Volunteer Experiences


Active contributor to Mozilla Firefox's Test Pilot initiative, Test Pilot is a small team passionate about shipping small, iterative experiments in Firefox, on the web, and soon on mobile platforms. We place a special emphasis on rapid prototyping, qualitative research, and data analysis.

Active contributor to Mozilla Firefox's new web-ext project, a command line tool to help build, run, and test web extensions on Mozilla Firefox web browser.

Recognition: Listed as developer for Mozilla Firefox Browser https://www.mozilla.org/credits/

UI Components

Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)

Writing and reviewing articles on Mozilla Developer Network

Mozilla Feature Board Member

Worked as an advisory in selecting Mozilla add-ons to be featured for the month

VLC (VideoLan.org)

Localization (l10n) for Marathi Language using Transifex, on VLC Team


Active Wiki Project Software Member.

Updated on: July 2020